Born in Niigata Prefecture in 1957 and graduated from the Department of Aesthetics and Art History at Tokyo Art University. After working as a curator at the Niigata City Art Museum from 1985 to 1990, he became freelance art critic based in Niigata city. He is the author of Tokyo Noise (Art Village), co-author of Essa no Uzumibi (Niigata Nippo Jigyosha), and editor/composer of Toru Sunouchi’s Landscape (Shunju-sha). Currently, he is the representative of Niigata Eya, the representative of Niigata Town Heritage Association, and the director of Sakyukan (former Bank of Japan Niigata branch president’s residence). He also teaches at Niigata University of International and information Studies and Niigata Barber and Beauty College. He was an advisor at the 2009 and 2012 Water and Land Art Festival(Niigata).

Photo:Chikako Enomoto